Refer a Resident

If you know someone who you would like to refer, please fill out this form.

Park Place by Highlands is an age exclusive community in Downtown Lawrenceville for people who are 55 and older and looking for a senior living option that is different from the traditional independent living model.

Note: A W9 will need to be on file for anyone receiving a referral fee.

Earn Rewards - Refer a Resident

Your Information

Your Name(Required)

Who are you referring?

Their Name(Required)

Additional Information That Might Help Us Out

By clicking Submit, you agree that you are the individual whose information has been entered above or that you have that individual's express consent to provide their information to us. Additionally, you agree and acknowledge that the information entered above will be used to respond to your inquiry for more information. This may include contact via email, phone call, or text message. Your information will be used solely for the purpose of providing the requested information and will not be shared with third parties without your consent.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Referral Link QR Code for Park Place by Highlands